By Annonciata Byukusenge
Ruheru community says that the TVT School is a solution for their children after completion of primary school because some of them join
Some of them, if they do not succeed in high school, do menial jobs, and others engage in immoral habits including prostitution and alcohol use.

In an interview with Forefront Magazine, Muhimpundu Sarapie is one of the mothers from the Ruheru sector. Says her expectations of this TVT School.
“In our village, we don’t have a dropout school, but each person has their talent in the school. The children who have the talent in vocations will join this school and after a short time of courses in TVT, they will be entrepreneurs and share the opportunities, and jobs to the jobless young.”

She added that they will partner with school leaders to make a difference in education performance.
Jean de la Croix Havugimana is coordinating the activities of ActionAid Rwanda in the Nyaruguru district. Says that ActionAid is a partner of this district.

“Now ActionAid competes to build nine schools in the Nyaruguru district. We will continue to support the education sector because having skills is the source of everything. Without skills, you can’t achieve anything. This Ruheru TVT School has different rooms including workshop rooms, classrooms, kitchen, washing rooms (girls and boys), and one for people with disability.”

Rwanda Education Board, NESA and Ministry of Education will provide students have completed S3. Those students will join different options like Construction, Carpentry and Electricity. This school will be public school.

The Mayor of Nyaruguru district, Dr. Emmanuel Murwanashyaka says that their stakeholders play a crucial role in the development of the district. He promises to take care of these infrastructures and they continue to work with community leaders and tell people to protect those infrastructures.
Ruheru TVT School was completed at the cost of 76 million Rwandan francs (76,000,000 Rwfrs).

ActionAid Rwanda interventions in Ruheru sector edpecially education sector:
42 classrooms, 8 classrooms rehabilitated,
9 girls’rooms, 3 basketball abd volleyball playgrounds, 101 doors toilets, 1 TVET and
7 hand washing stations.