By Christophe Uwizeyimana
IPFG launched a two year project of improving adaptation capacities to tackle negative impacts of climate change through provision of trainings, Agro forestry skills, materials and trees as well as water tanks to households in Nyamagabe district.
With financial support from Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag, and IKI (International Climate Initiative), IPFG through the précised project, has started helping communities in Nyamagabe district, Gasaka and Kibilizi sectors be resilient to climate change effects through the project.
The aim of the project is helping households living in Nyamagabe District to have improved adaptation capacities to tackle the negative impacts of climate change through provision of climate change related trainings, agroforestry skills, materials, and trees as well as water tanks.
Implementing areas are Kibilizi sector, Bugarama cell inVillage of Kamina and Kabarera. Also this project is running in Gasaka sector, Remera Cell, in village of Muriro and Gitwa.
Special activities which are; Education of communities on climate change adaptation and landscape restoration planning and practice, Agroforestry and fruit tree nurseries, Rain water harvesting for vegetable production, Promotion of climate resilient crops, Promotion of energy saving cooking stoves and House construction and/or rehabilitation for rain water harvesting tanks installation.
On Launch day of 9th February 2023, IPFG Representatives said that the Project is Targeting to plant 80,000 agroforestry and fruit trees and offer 92 Water tanks to 92 Households Also will contribute to climate change adaptation and landscape restoration action plans implemented, Promotion of vegetable gardening, cassava and sweet potato production, Rehabilitation or construction of 4 houses before installation of water tanks ,Construction of 160 energy saving cooking stoves.
Target group is a Community. Within 4 villages:
- Female headed households
- Child headed households
- Households with people with disability
- Elderly headed households
- Very poor households within cat 1 and 2 and 3
- Marginalized households
IPFG was established in 2002 and granted with legal personality by the ministerial order no 17/11of 31 January 2006
IPFG aspires to a democratic society where women and men are aware of their problems, complement one another and actively participate in the actions of the entire development .
To promote and reinforce complementarity between woman and man as well as their participation in the actions which aim the social and economic development based on fairness.
- Agriculture, food security and climate change
- Youth and women’s empowerment
- Citizens’ participation
- Gender promotion, GBV prevention and conflict resolution
The project was funded by I.K.I and will be implemented in two sectors of Gasaka and Kibilizi working with 300 households. It will end costing about 120 Millions Rwandan francs within two years.
It has the target of improving adaptation capacities to tackle negative impacts of climate change through provision of trainings, Agro forestry skills, materials and trees as well as water tanks in Nyamagabe district. Has started in October 2022 and will end in September 2024.
Listen /Podcast// Kanani Faustin, The Project coordinator: