By Christophe Uwizeyimana
Today on 18 August 2023, the ministry of Education in Rwanda which is represented by Minister Dr. Uwamariya Valentine in collaboration of Southern province, Huye district authorities and a Biodiversity Organization operating in Huye ‘BICOOR’ team together with students from different countries of EAST AFRICA Like Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda who attended #FEASSSA Competition, through UMUGANDA, they have collected 7 bags of plastics to contribute in Global Program of Ending plastic pollution.
Through this special Umuganda program, students from other countries have appreciated this culture of Rwandans of maintaining Hygiene. And they have said that they are ready to put this in practice in their native countries. In this special event, about 7 bags of plastics have been collected.
Now About 3000 EAC representatives due to compete in the 20th edition of FEASSA are already in Huye, and those come from Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Zanzibar.Feasssa is The regional East Africa Secondary Schools Sports Association, Rwanda is hosting it on the 20th edition of the Federation of East Africa Secondary Schools Sports Association( FEASSSA)games scheduled from August 17-27.They compete in various sporting disciplines namely football, swimming, athletics, hockey, netball, rugby, volleyball, basketball, table tennis, badminton and lawn tennis.
The 2022 edition of the Games was held in Tanzania and Rwanda was represented by 83 boys and 69 girls drawn from various secondary schools in the country.

Photo:They are happy to join #Umuganda

Photo:The Minister of Education and Mayor of Huye district offered a message to these students, encouraging them to protect our environment everywhere they are.

Photo:The Minister is collecting plastics

Photo:Plastic pollution should be ended

Photo:Even if they are in FEASSA games competition, they have joined the initiative of collecting plastics in Huye city under culture of Rwanda of maintaining Hygiene