By Christophe Uwizeyimana
Every year, the government of Rwanda joins the rest of the world to mark the World Environment Day on June 5. In 2023, Rwanda Environment Management Authority in partnership with different organizations in Rwanda organized a Environmental week activities with the Theme of ‘’Beating Plastic Pollution’’ to refocus attention on solutions to plastic pollution.
In Huye district, the Environmental Week became successful. BIOCOOR, a biodiversity conservation organization in collaboration with local people, Trocaire team, environmental club from Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences on the special day of 5th June 2023, they collected plastic wastes in the city of Huye with an initiative to end the plastic pollution in this district. They collected 10 bags of plastic wastes from Ngoma Sector of Huye city. Also they mobilized people by offering a message through mobile sound to beat plastic pollution. Within this event BIOCOOR also recognized local people who were conflicted by monkeys from Arboretum forest. Those for those ones, monkeys have disturbed their agricultural activities, were compensated in terms of money and motivated by BIOCOOR and its partners to be aware of wildlife.
In this event of collecting plastics in Huye city, the ones who were engaged and mobilized in this campaign, after learning the effects of plastic pollution, they said that they are going to put more efforts in ending plastic pollution in the district especially in the city.
Dukuze Jacques, a student from PIASS University and Environmental club member said: ‘We like to protect environment. After this campaign, me as student, I am going to make a deep research about fighting plastic pollution and look for what is needed in the society.
Clarisse Jeanne Umuhoza from BIOCOOR said: ‘Today I have collected more plastics and learned more about plastic pollution. I am going to start teaching others how to treat plastic wastes by starting at home. Also I am going to tell everyone that is not good to throw wastes everywhere especially plastics.’’
Jean Marie Vianney Nzayisenga from BIOCOOR said that: ‘’this activity of collecting plastics is unusual; we conducted this, by passing on the roads and found different battles of plastics. We collected them. So we have many things to do. First one; is mobilization everywhere in country also there are other ways like social media which may be a good channel of the massage so that everyone can be aware of environmental protection.
Gisele Umutoniwase from Biocoor said;’’ Me too I have contributed to this campaign. We have collected plastics in the city. So what I have learned from this; I am able to separate organic wastes and non recyclable wastes like plastics and then put them in their respective places in order to avoid plastic pollution. Also I am going to train others how to treat plastic wastes.
Chris umukunzi from Trocaire told people from Huye to continue the campaign of ending plastic pollution. He said:’’ Today it’s not the end of the campaign. You have to continue.’’
Dr.Ange Imanishimwe, Managing Director of Biocoor said that every one should be aware of environmental protection. He said:’’ today we have collected a great amount of plastic wastes. This indicates that in different cities; there are more plastic wastes. We have to end plastic pollution because this affects agriculture production, climate and animals health. The message we can offer to Rwandan people is to take care of where they live. And again we encourage every household to have specific place to deposit organic wastes and non recycle wastes like plastics. Now it is forbidden to distribute plastics everywhere because this waste can be a poison to human and other living things.’’
A representative of Ngoma sector in this activity of collecting plastics in Huye city, who is in charge of Agriculture in Ngoma sector, Huye district thanked everyone who contributed in this work of collecting plastic wastes in Huye city. He encouraged BIOCOOR and its partners to continue caring to environment. He said;’’ This is a good action. Youth should be trained on this because they are future generation that will be living with the environment in the coming days.
Environmental researchers indicates that plastic wastes which are generated by households and commercial entities in Rwanda should be collected and disposed in their respective places as a good way to end plastic pollution. Today wastes which are found in cities; approximately 13% are non-recyclable, 5% are plastic (including plastic bottles), around 5% are cartons, 1% are metals, 1% are electronic wastes, and the rest 1% are hazardous wastes. Plastic wastes contain plates, straws, stirrers, balloons, and sticks for balloons, food containers, cups for beverages, beverage containers, packets and wrappers, wet wipes, and sanitary items.
Rwanda stands alongside more than 55 other nations that are committed to an ambitious international legally binding instrument. In World Since 1950, 9.2 billion tons of plastic wastes have been generated, and less than 10% has been recycled. The common goal is to end plastic pollution by 2040.

Photo:In Huye city, plastic battles have been collected

Photo:Dr.Gloriose Umuziranenge from PIASS University was among team which collected plastic wastes in the city

Photo:BIOCOOR Team have been participated in this activity

Photo:BIOCOOR in collaboration with local people, Trocaire team, environmental club from PIASS on the special day of 5th June 2023, they collected plastic wastes in the city of Huye with an initiative to end the plastic pollution in the city

Photo: It’s the time to end of ending plastic pollution

Photo:The government of Rwanda joins the rest of the world to mark the World Environment Day on June 5 every year

Photo:Ending plastic pollution requires everyone to be engaged

Photo:Chris Umukunzi (left) from Trocaire also participated in this activity of collecting plastics

Photo: 1O bags of plastic wastes have been collected. Experts say that every one should be engaged in environmental protection

Photo: Beat plastic pollution for better life

Photo: Executive secretary of Butare cell of Ngoma sector also contributed in the team collected plastic wastes in Huye city

Photo:Today wastes which are found in cities; approximately 13% are non-recyclable, 5% are plastic (including plastic bottles)

Photo: Among non-recyclable wastes; 5% are plastic (including plastic bottles), around 5% are cartons, 1% are metals, 1% are electronic wastes, and the rest 1% are hazardous wastes

Photo:Rwanda Environment Management Authority in partnership with different organizations in Rwanda organized a Environmental week activities with the Theme of ‘’Beating Plastic Pollution’’ to refocus attention on solutions to plastic pollution

Photo: Solutions to plastic pollution should be taken by everyone

Photo:BIOCOOR also recognized local people who were conflicted by monkeys from Arboretum forest

Photo:BIOCOOR with its partners have recognized some people from Huye city who faced the problem of their agricultural activities which damaged by monkeys of the city

Photo:People from Huye have been sensitized on how they can live without harming wildlife. Also were motivated in terms of money

Photo:Dr.Ange Imanishimwe, Managing Director of Biocoor said that every one should be aware of environmental protection

Photo: Dr.Gloriose Umuziranenge from PIASS University has encouraged youth to be engaged in environmental protection

Photo:Chris umukunzi from Trocaire told people from Huye to continue the campaign of ending plastic pollution. He said:’’ Today it’s not the end of the campaign. You have to continue.’’

Photo:A representative of Ngoma sector in this activity of collecting plastics in Huye city, who is in charge of Agriculture in Ngoma sector, has thanked everyone who contributed in this work of collecting plastic wastes in Huye city. He encouraged BIOCOOR and its partners to continue caring to environment

Photo: Rwanda stands alongside more than 55 other nations that are committed to this issue. The common goal is to end plastic pollution by 2040.