The Ministers and delegations attended the 32nd annual Nile Council/27th NEL Council of Ministers meeting
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By Annonciata Byukusenge

It was on 2nd August 2024 in Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda where the Nile Council of Ministers confirmed the ratification of the Cooperative Framework Agreement (CFA); in the 32nd annual Nile Council/27th NEL Council of Ministers meeting. This outlines principles, rights, and obligations for cooperative management and development of the Nile Basin water resources.

Thereby, the establishment of the Nile Basin Commission would be realized following the implementation of the CFA. The Commission would serve to promote and facilitate the implementation of the CFA and to facilitate cooperation among the Nile Basin States in the conservation, management, and development of the Nile River Basin and its waters.

During the meeting, Your Excellency Rtd. Major Jessica Alupo, Vice President of the Republic of Uganda and the Chief Guest called upon the Nile Basin States to ratify the CFA stating that while the Nile Basin States are sovereign, the decision to ratify the CFA entirely lies with them.

“I still wish to take this opportunity to request the countries that have not yet ratified the CFA to consider doing so to enable us to have an all-inclusive legal and institutional framework for cooperation on Nile basin issues,” she requested

She also said that the challenges the Nile Basin is facing require collective action by all the basin states since many of these challenges are cut across country boundaries.

“No one country can therefore address them alone. Thus, even when we have differences we should not lose sight of the need to work together to address common problems. The cost of inaction can be big as all of us know,” Alupo added

According to the Vice President, Cooperation on the Nile is therefore not an option for the Member States but a necessity.

This comes as the Republic of Burundi and South Sudan are the recent countries to ratify and accede to the CFA respectively joining Ethiopia, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda. “Your actions indeed demonstrate your commitment to Nile Cooperation,” Alupo congratulated the two countries.

Also, His Excellency Sam Cheptoris, Minister of Water and Environment of Uganda and Nile COM Chair during the meeting added his voice saying that the actions of the two countries have enabled them to realize six basin states that have ratified or acceded to the CFA. “With this latest development, we are well set to move forward with the establishment of the Nile Basin Commission,” he said

Hon. Pal Mai Deng, minister of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation and Nile-com member, Republic of South Sudan during the 32nd Nile Council of Ministers assured the members that South Sudan is committed to the Nile Basin Initiative’s (NBI) shared vision. “We will work to support NBI’s endeavors to promote joint investment and basin-wide cooperation,” he stated.

In line with this objective, South Sudan’s National Parliament ratified and passed the CFA on the 8th of July and submitted it to the president on the 12th of July for signature.

According to the CFA, six Basin States are required to have ratified or acceded and submitted their ratification documents to the African Union to allow for the establishment of the Nile River Basin Commission.

However, Egypt froze its participation in the Nile Basin Initiative activities but has been called upon to resume its participation in NBI activities to provide an opportunity to discuss her concerns and find ways of effectively resolving any pending issues.

Yet achieving the objective of establishing a Nile Basin Commission, requires that Nile Basin countries work extra hard and collectively at country and regional levels.

As Nile Basin countries face several challenges such as underdevelopment, inadequate power for industrialization, increasing population, environmental degradation, and impacts of climate change among others.

The region continues to face the challenge of meeting the ever-increasing demands for water, food, and energy amidst all these various challenges.

Furthermore, the basin’s environmental assets such as wetlands, forests, and river banks are becoming increasingly under pressure from expanding economic activities and a lack of effective cross-border mechanisms for the protection, restoration, and sustainable utilization of these ecosystems.

In conclusion, the chief guest announced that His Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, the President of Uganda has offered to host the Second Heads of State Summit on Nile Basin on October 17th, 2024 so that the issues and challenges facing the Nile cooperation can be discussed and a way forward agreed.

This upcoming Summit will offer the advantage to the members to present their views, ideas, and recommendations to the Heads of State for guidance so that Nile Cooperation can be moved to greater heights.

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