The animals that live in the protected areas have the opportunity to be protected, but those that live in the wild are abused, which is the reason why Dr Ange Imanishimwe has committed to contribute by explaining to the community the importance of protecting the animals that live outside of the protected areas in this book.
During five years ago, Dr Ange Imanishimwe wrote five books:
1. Impano ibohora, impamba y’ubuzima bw’iteka,
2. Umuntu si uyu, umuntu ni inganda,
3. Negotiation and Convincing Skills, a Golden opportunity to get ahead,
4. Discovering what the nature has reserved to us,
5. Wildlife management outside the protected areas.

We are going to focus on the last one, because this book combine the initiative of Dr Imanishimwe in ecosystem conservation and the message to the community about conservation.
According to the Dr Imanishimwe, the community think that the animals live in the protected areas are the ones that need to be taken care of because they are visited by tourists, but that is not the case. We have to protect ecosystem anywhere.
“In the Wildlife management outside the protected areas book, I wanted to show that wild animals are not only in parks and protected areas, but everywhere we are including our homes, we can see ecosystems and they provide us with services such as plant growth, seed distribution, insect control and other threats to human well-being.”
He added that in the past we used to share the land with animals but we cheated them and prevented them by registering the land and leaving it in a small area that is not enough which is the root of the conflict between humans and ecosystem.

“I tell people that the land they have should be shared with animals and trees so that they don’t get angry and become a danger to the human life. Nature has started to fight and that is why you see many diseases that kill children related to poor management of the ecosystem. Protecting the environment is a responsibility and save lives.”
For the person need to read this book can find it at the BIOCOOR office in Nyamagabe district – Kitabi Ecovillage center and in Huye City at Karubanda for 20,000 Rwfrs.
Dr Ange Imanishimwe completed a PhD in Biodiversity Management. He is very interested in connecting biological sciences to the society for livelihoods improvement. He is a political ecologist with determination and vision.