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By Christophe Uwizeyimana

An nongovernmental organization for Biodiversity conservation ‘’Biocoor’’, which operates in Southern region of Rwanda is helping people who are living around Nyungwe national park to change their mindsets so that those who have had traditional beliefs of harming wildlife can stop. Within this campaign, many people have understood what is targeted and some of them have started to be awarded by Biocoor as a way of promoting nature conservation in the region. Podcast//Listen full interview with Dr.Ange in Kinyarwanda here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a96OlfI9Zw&pp=ygUSY2hyaXN0b3BoZSB1d2l6ZXll      

On the 22rd May 2023, BIOCOOR while celebrating World biodiversity day, On the week of ‘’partner and counselor’’in Nyaruguru district with people who live around Nyungwe national park of Rwanda, recognized some people who became the friends of nature as a way of motivating them through changing their livelihoods so that they will continue to be good neighbors of Nyungwe national park instead of destroying it. Those who were awarded said that they are going to put more efforts in sensitization so that everyone who lives there can be aware of nature conservation.   

Nsabiyaremye Justin who lives in Nyaruguru, Kanazi village, Rukore cell, Muganza sector and is among those who were awarded by BIOCOOR.He says that: ‘I have been awarded by BIOCOOR because I contributed in maintaining the security of wildlife of Nyungwe national park. I live in the village which is close to Nyungwe national park.I have became the chief of group called ‘’TUBUNGABUNGE IBIDUKIKIJE KANAZI’’, by conserving the nature, we do everything by volunteering. Awarding us is a big motivation. Now we are going closer to summer season, by my side I am going to increase my efforts in protection of Nyungwe national park through maintaining it against poachers and notify authorities in case some animals from the park are out so that they can resend them in the park safely .’’  

Nyirabera Seraphine from Remera village, Rukore cell, Muganza sector in Nyaruguru district, says:’’ I have been awarded because of my contribution in conservation. I knew the value of conservation of nature. Before, as women we used to go to Nyungwe National park to cut woods for cooking and glasses for domestic animals but after understanding the role of protecting the park, myself I decided to found the cooperative of 30 women called ‘’TUZAMURANE BABYEYI’’. So what I teach cooperative members are to show them how Nyungwe Park should be protected though contribution of women. This award I have got is going to empower me in my work and also I have got a certificate I can use anywhere. I am motivated again. I am going to teach other women to put down their past beliefs of cutting trees in Nyungwe and open their eyes through groups and cooperatives which will help them to improve their living standards instead to depending to illegal exploitations of Nyungwe national park searching life.’’Podcast//Listen full interview with these Local people from Nyaruguru in Kinyarwanda here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQa5BEX-RYk&t=5s&pp=ygUSY2hyaXN0b3BoZSB1d2l6ZXll

Dr. Ange Imanishimwe, the Managing Director of Biocoor says while participating in Biodiversity conservation they recognize and reward local people who show their efforts in conservation as way of motivating them and others. He says:’’ Those who live around Nyungwe national park, we always tell them that Nyungwe belongs to them. And it’s the obligation to maintain and protect it because they benefit more on this park like fresh water, pure air and good atmosphere…We will continue to teach them that wildlife-human conflicts should be stopped. We are doing so by changing their mindsets and living conditions so that they can let illegal activities which harm the nature. Podcast//Listen full interview with Dr.Ange in Kinyarwanda here:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1a96OlfI9Zw&pp=ygUSY2hyaXN0b3BoZSB1d2l6ZXll

On World Biodiversity Day, six Local people from Nyaruguru district include men and women, who contributed more in biodiversity conservation, were awarded by BIOCOOR. They were given materials they can use in agriculture such as hoes, watering cans and certificates of merits. BIOCOOR says that is continuing to empower people through sensitization, teaching and motivation so that they can know that biodiversity conservation is the key of life on Earth.


Photo:Dr.Ange Imanishimwe is teaching people from Muganza sector more about Biodiversity conservation

Photo:BIOCOOR also angage children in Biodiversity conservation

Photo:People from Nyaruguru say that they are aware of protecting wildlife after being taught by BIOCOOR

Photo: Approaching people through sensitization, teaching and motivation help them know that biodiversity conservation is the key of life on Earth

Photo:On the week of ‘’partner and counselor’’of Nyaruguru district, BIOCOOR presented its operations in the district

Photo:BIOCOOR rewarded local people who contributed in biodiversity conservation in Nyaruguru around Nyungwe national park by offering them materials which are used in agriculture so that they can use them in changing their living condition

Photo:BIOCOOR exposed its role in engaging community in conservation in Nyaruguru district

Photo: Dr.Ange Imanishimwe M.D of BIOCOOR (In front) says that they achieve this in the support of Key parteners ;TROCAIRE and JERSEY OVERSEAS

Photo:Mayor of Nyaruguru visited the stand of BIOCOOR in order to get more clarifications on its operations

Photo:Biocoor is tending to build back the Biodiversity

Photo:Gisèle also was among the BIOCOOR’s Team which exposed in Nyaruguru

Photo:BIOCOOR is empowering community in conservation

Photo: On World Biodiversity Day awarded local people from Nyaruguru who put great effort in conservation

Photo: BIOCOOR is contrubuting in Nyungwe national park protection

Photo:Nyaruguru community is aware about biodiversity conservation

Photo: those who have been motivated by BIOCOOR have said that they are going to increase their efforts

Photo:They are happy to receive their awards

Photo:BIOCOOR will continue to work with local people of Nyaruguru

Photo: Also they have been received they Certificates

Other Photos :

Photo:Mayor of Nyaruguru is helping BIOCOOR to award a woman who contributed more on enviremental protection

Photo:Dr.Ange Imanishimwe, BIOCOOR MD, is thanking local friends of nature

About Post Author


He is a Health, Science, and Environmental Journalist. Christophe Uwizeyimana is a journalist with over seven years of experience in health, science, agriculture, environment, and climate change reporting. He graduated in 2017 from the University of Rwanda's School of Business and Economics and has been a reporter and editor at Radio Salus since 2016. Key Achievements: Completed Radio and Audio Production Skills program (2018) with FOJO Media Institute and the University of Rwanda. Health Fellow for Excellence in Journalism (2023), organized by AGA Khan University, Kenya. Fellow of OFAB-Rwanda Journalists, specializing in agricultural biotechnology reporting. Awards: Best Statistics Reporter (Radio Category) at Rwanda Data Journalism Awards 2024 Best Environmental Journalist in Southern Rwanda (2024) Health Reporting Winner at Development Journalism Awards (2023). Health Award (2023) from ABASIRWA for reporting on HIV/AIDS. Overall Winner in Science Reporting at 2nd OFAB Media Awards (2023). Best Environmental Journalist in Southern Rwanda (2022). Anti-Corruption Journalism Award (2022) from the Office of Ombudsman. Journalist of the Year (2018) in the Magazines department at Radio Salus. Christophe is also an active member of Info Nile Journalists and Scientists' Coalition and the Rwanda Environmental Journalists' Organization. His dedication to impactful reporting has made him a recognized voice in Rwanda's media landscape.
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He is a Health, Science, and Environmental Journalist. Christophe Uwizeyimana is a journalist with over seven years of experience in health, science, agriculture, environment, and climate change reporting. He graduated in 2017 from the University of Rwanda's School of Business and Economics and has been a reporter and editor at Radio Salus since 2016. Key Achievements: Completed Radio and Audio Production Skills program (2018) with FOJO Media Institute and the University of Rwanda. Health Fellow for Excellence in Journalism (2023), organized by AGA Khan University, Kenya. Fellow of OFAB-Rwanda Journalists, specializing in agricultural biotechnology reporting. Awards: Best Statistics Reporter (Radio Category) at Rwanda Data Journalism Awards 2024 Best Environmental Journalist in Southern Rwanda (2024) Health Reporting Winner at Development Journalism Awards (2023). Health Award (2023) from ABASIRWA for reporting on HIV/AIDS. Overall Winner in Science Reporting at 2nd OFAB Media Awards (2023). Best Environmental Journalist in Southern Rwanda (2022). Anti-Corruption Journalism Award (2022) from the Office of Ombudsman. Journalist of the Year (2018) in the Magazines department at Radio Salus. Christophe is also an active member of Info Nile Journalists and Scientists' Coalition and the Rwanda Environmental Journalists' Organization. His dedication to impactful reporting has made him a recognized voice in Rwanda's media landscape.

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