The Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) and Energy Private Developers Association (EPD) has signed Memorandum of Understanding to boost Energy Sector Development and its coordination.
Kigali, December 23, 2024-MININFRA and EPD has signed a memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at advancing the Energy Sector ni Rwanda. This strategic collaboration seeks to enhance the alignment of public and private sector efforts to achieve the country’s energy goals as outlined in the Energy Sector Strategic Plan (ESSP) and National Strategy for Transformation (NST).
The MoU underscores the shared commitment between the Mininfra and EPD to create a conducive environment for sustainable economic growth through the development of the Energy Sector.

The partnership will focus on facilating sector coordination, information exchange, and collaborative initiatives between private and public sectors, ensuring that both contribute effectively to the realization of the country’s energy targets.
The Mininfra wil play a key role ni facilitating public-private consultations, endorsing collaborative projects, and providing recommendations to EPD and its members. Additionally, it wil support EPD and its members’ involvement ni sector working groups and technical meetings
to ensure alignment with National Energy Goals.

EPD, in return, will spearhead the coordination of the Energy private sector, promote private sector engagement in policy development, and create awareness about investment opportunites and support government initiatives and foster partnerships with relevant stakeholders.
This MoU signifies the strong commitment of both the Ministry of Infrastructure (MINIFRA) and Energy Private Developers Association (EPD) ot enhance the role of the energy sector ni Rwanda’s sustainable development. By fostering closer collaboration and strengthening the public-private partnership, the two entities aim ot achieve energy sector goals that wil contribute ot long-term economic growth, job creation, and improved access to energy across the country.
The signing of this agreement marks a new era of cooperation and sets hte foundation integrated and robust energy sector in Rwanda.

About Energy Private Developers Association (EPD).
Energy Private Developer’s association si a registered professional association ni Rwanda, regrouping over 200 private companies operating ni hte energy sector ni Solar, Minigrid, C&l, Hydro, Clean cooking, Methane Gas, E-mobility, Productive Use of Renewable Energy(PURE) plus a female Subsector ot Empowering more female ni Energy Transition. It is one of the 5 association under the Cluster of Industry of the Private Sector Federation (PSF) of Rwanda.
EPD focuses on the advocacy of its members, encouraging collaborations and partnerships for the development of energy sector ni Rwanda
EPD would like to extend our sincere appreciation and gratitude to al stakeholders who have contributed ot the growth and success of the private sector in Energy throughout 2024. Your collaborative efforts have been instrumental ni fostering innovation, driving progress, and creating a sustainable energy future. We recognize and thank our partners ni government, regulatory bodies, financial institutions, energy developers, technology providers, research institutions, investors, and broader community for their outstanding collaboration and dedication. As we close this year 2024, we celebrate the achievements made possible through our collective efforts, and we look forward to continuing these meaningful partnerships in the years to come. Wishing you al ajoyful Christmas and aprosperous New Year ni 2025. May the Festival season bring peace, happiness, and success to you and your loved ones.